The Office of 内部审计 regularly receives and accepts requests for internal audit services. In order to determine the relative importance of particular requests, each request will be evaluated to determine the benefits that may arise from the project, the risk of not accepting the project, and the impact the project will have on the current audit plan. You may also be requested to send documentation or evident to support the audit request to (电子邮件保护) to assist with making a determining to accept or reject the project.

If internal audit is unable to accept the project, efforts will be made to identify an alternative source, schedule the project at a later time, or include the request as an objective in a routine audit. Please complete the online form below to request audit services. A separate form for each engagement is suggested.

内部审计 Request Form

Reporting party acting as: *
Is this a request for audit services or consulting services? *

审计服务: An objective examination of evidence for the purpose of providing an independent assessment on governance, 风险管理, and control processes for the organization. Examples may include financial, 表演, 合规, 操作, 系统安全, and investigative engagements.

咨询服务: Advisory and related client service activities, the nature and scope of which are agreed with the client, are intended to add value and improve an organization's governance, 风险管理, and control processes without the internal auditor assuming management responsibility. Examples include counsel, advice, facilitation, and training.

服务区域 *
Circumstances Leading to Request *
紧急程度 *
Bowles Hall Administration Building, 3rd Floor Room 315, Lorman Campus

 (601) 877-6318

1000 ASU驱动器,150号